Discover the heart and soul behind

the sincerely sanitary pad

about Sincerely sanitary pad

In 2018, schoolgirls in a district of the Central Region of Ghana were banned by their community’s river god from crossing a particular river on their route to school because they were on their period. 

To make matters worse, research finds that 11.5 million Ghanaian women lack the necessary hygiene and sanitation management facilities. Throughout Africa, one of the largest reasons girls miss school is because of menstruation.

Being a champion of womens well-being since her teens, our founder, Menaye recognized the crippling challenges women around her faced—from the adolescents in the Menaye School of Hope to the women from her hometown she dialogued with as Nkosuohemaa to even the young women she worked on different brands with— and was moved to take action. 

She joined forces with various experts to create a well-thought-out personal hygiene brand—one that provides quality menstrual hygiene products at affordable prices and educates the nation and the world at large on menstrual health. 

what we do:

Sincerely aims to be the change to provide quality menstrual hygiene products at affordable prices. together with quality menstrual health and hygiene education for all.

The mission of Sincerely is to be one of the most valued brands of genuine quality personal hygiene products, complemented by sincere menstrual health and hygiene education throughout Ghana. 

Our vision is to become a voice of authority on the continent, and ultimately in the world, on the still rather taboo subject of menstruation. 

By our combined sustainable CSR efforts and multi-platform educational marketing, we envision a knowledgeable, empowered generation of women who can raise their daughters with better knowledge and confidence.

Unmatched benefits: who we are

Sincerely is a brand that is built around a lifestyle—a lifestyle of confidence and freedom derived from a solid education on menstruation, feminine health, and hygiene. 

Sincerely was designed to fulfill a need in society. People in the 21st century are still going about their business with information and misinformation of yesterday. 

Menaye recognized this and began asking questions… How much do you spend on keeping yourself clean during your period?

Where do you get your sanitary products from, and are they easily accessible?

Do you know you can catch an infection? from wearing a sanitary pad for too long? How do you manage a heavy flow and still pull off a comfortable look? Is your partner supportive during your cycle? 

Questions like these lead to revelations from so many women of diverse backgrounds, as well as men, which exposed a shocking gap in the area of knowledge resources. 

I use pads for half of my period, then clothes for the lighter half; I never throw my used pad away in public because they use it for juju;

my boyfriend gets a little distant every time Im on my period…” a few of the honest answers to her questions.

enjoy every moment

Sustainability without compromising sanitary pad

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